Small Steps to Health

Don’t you notice at the beginning of each new year, many people make resolutions to become healthier? Then by the end of January, often they have reverted back to their old ways. We came upon an article by Jillian Michaels, trainer on “The Biggest Loser”, where she offers a more holistic approach. She recommends including daily habits and practices that build strength, health, and happiness over the long term instead of a quick fix plan to shave off 10 pounds. Integrating meditation into her life has also been integral in shifting her attitude in a more positive way.

Here are some of the “smaller steps” she suggests from her new book, "The 6 Keys” Unlock Your Genetic Potential for Ageless Strength, Health & Beauty.

  • Set aside 12 hours a week for self-care across exercise, socializing with friends, and meditation
  • Sleep seven to nine hours a night
  • Identify your passions and indulge in them more often, if not in your work, then your daily hobbies or tasks
  • Aim for three meals a day and one snack over the course of a day
  • Try to fast for at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast to optimize your body’s cellular rejuvenation
  • Work out no less than 4x a week for at least 20-30 minutes each
  • Lift weights or engage in body weight resistance training
  • Every two weeks, up the weight or reps 10% to see progress
  • Get houseplants to remove harmful contaminants from your home

We often hear, ‘But I work, take care of kids, have so many obligations, how can I do this?!!’
We’ve found scheduling the time into one’s weekly calendar is the best way to make this happen. Take a few minutes at the beginning of the week to plan your 12 hours of self-care and nutrition planning. Once you’re in the habit of planning, it will become more automatic. Also select ways to exercise and eat healthy foods you enjoy.

Rewards are also important, and what better way to reward yourself for taking these small steps then a new piece of jewelry or accessory from Beksan Designs?

We can also help save you time through personal shopping and by being your “go to” gift resource, so you have more time for self-care. Check out our latest designs at an event near you, online, or with a personal shopping appointment.
Wishing you the BEST in 2019!

Adapted from


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