Refresh, Renew, and Reap the Benefits!

A good friend and I both wanted to start the New Year by improving our health!  She had sent me a link on Black Friday, after Thanksgiving, to a healthy eating plan called “The Fresh Diet.”  It was on super sale and she encouraged me to try it with her and we started together the second week of January.  A couple of weeks or so into “The Fresh Diet” and we are feeling good!  Giving up favorite foods isn’t easy but it’s great to reap the rewards. The impact of what we eat on our health and well-being became clear to me when I went to the doctor last year.  I was feeling a bit tired, having difficulty sleeping through the night and some digestive issues.  Per my doctor’s recommendation I tried the “Elimination Diet” where you take out different foods and beverages from your daily diet than reintroduce them to assess how they affect your health. This is what I learned: -      Alcohol ~ gave it up for a few weeks to see how it was effecting how I was feeling.  It was amazing how much better I was sleeping when I stopped drinking alcohol.  I also noticed I had less of a craving for salty foods. There is something delicious about having crackers and cheese while drinking wine.  So anytime I was craving an adult beverage I just thought about how well I was sleeping without it! During “the Fresh Diet” we are going mostly alcohol free, supporting each other in doing this and it’s working. However we are not going to freak ourselves out if we occasionally have a glass of wine! -      Gluten- Have given this up for periods of time, I tried it originally with the Elimination Diet and I do have to say as soon as I eliminated the gluten I felt more energetic.  It was actually strange.  Realized I wasn’t allergic but eliminating the gluten made me feel lighter and more energized.  I haven’t given up gluten completely but try to reduce the amount being eaten.  I’ve tried alternatives for example gluten free pizza and it is yummy! -      Dairy products- What can I say dairy and my intestines don’t get along.  As soon as I eliminated hard cheese and non-fat milk, my digestive issues dissipated…..who knew??  Now I use almond milk or soy in my lattes and have reduced the cheese I eat. I learned that soft cheeses such as fresh mozzarella and cream cheese don’t have the same effect so I prefer to eat these if I have any at all! We want to hear your stories…..what have you tried to eliminate??  What changes are you making in 2014 to improve your health? Come to Beksan Designs’ Refresh and Renew Workshop on Saturday, February 1st in Santa Monica to discover how small changes can help you look and feel your best! Terri Crystal, Board Certified Nutrition Coach will prepare energy promoting smoothies & healthy snacks along with beauty enhancing styling tips shared by Beksan Designs’ and Jockey Women’s Fashions as you view the latest Spring 2014 collections! For more details please contact

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