Happy New Year 2014—What’s Inspiring You?

At Beksan Designs we feel appreciation to have an amazing community who work with us and support us! We've (Nevra and Meyla) talked about what inspires us to pursue our passion with Beksan Designs and to move forward in life! It all began in our youth with our travels to Istanbul yet both of our parents inspired us-- our Mother who shared her heritage and love for hand-crafted art and jewelry and our Father for his keen sense for innovation. What is the source of your inspiration? We found many interesting thoughts by interesting folks and wanted to share these as they may inspire you as well! “Well, I've always been inspired by experts. And it doesn't matter if the expert is an expert housekeeper, an expert gardener, an expert maintenance man, an expert carpenter. I'm drawn to people who know what they're doing, who think about their everyday work, who try to make their work better than it's ever been before.” Martha Stewart “The person who inspired me the most is my high school teacher. I had learned a lot from him. He knows how to behave with different kinds of people. He always taught us with energy and great enthusiasm. I like his dedication towards his works. He taught me that life is a struggle, if you work hard with full dedication you will definitely get success.” Shital “I have to say watching my peers work and my colleagues, and watching my parents and my teachers, all inspire me. They have this uninhibited passion to do whatever they love -- whether that is designing computer software, which is what my dad does. Or just like my friends, when they're learning music, they seem so interested that I feel when I'm around them I have to be just as interested as they are. And that really inspires me and pushes me to work more than what I usually would be able to do by myself.” Hilda Huang, Musiciain “What inspires me is originality. honesty, openness, rawness. people who can't deny their own drives. talent. freedom. nature. smell. creation. innovation. love. Intention. power, and force. The desire to change something.”iO Tillett Wright Artist, Photographer As we described in the About Us https://beksandesigns.com/about-us/ section of our website, our heritage is a huge source of our inspiration! We are also inspired by each other, our customers and friends, as well as our artisan colleagues. We are looking forward to developing our inspirations, and creating new and innovative designs as the year progresses! Would love to know what inspires you! What are you looking forward to in 2014??? Please share your thoughts! Happy 2014!!

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