Looking Chic in Magnetic Bracelets

Wearing jewelry with magnets is especially popular and fashionable this season. Beksan Designs offers a variety of magnet bracelet designs that are sure to impress especially our crystal magnet bracelets and those with leather and silver/gold accents. Apart from looking cool, you will also gain the benefits of health and well-being that wearing magnet jewelry provides. Although it is unclear whether magnetic therapy can treat diseases, there is some evidence that it helps relieve pain from some chronic illnesses. Read more: http://healing.about.com/sitesearch.htm?q=magnetic+bracelets+benefits&boost=3&SUName=healing   There are ways to wear magnet bracelets to look chic and get the best results. Each design is unique but here are tips to get the maximum effect with magnetic jewelry.   Tip #1: A Good, Snug Fit   The first thing to consider is that the power of the magnet will get weaker as you move away from its core and surface. This means that you will want to put the magnetic clasp against your skin. You don’t have to overdo it! “Magnetic therapy is not acupuncture and you are not supposed to pierce your body with the magnets.” It is not recommended to wear a magnetic bracelet or ring so tight that it leaves red marks. If the fit of your magnetic jewelry isn’t comfortable you will end up removing it and the effect of healing is lost all together.   Tip # 2: Wearing Magnetic Bracelets Day and Night   How much you wear your magnetic jewelry will definitely influence how effective it is but this doesn’t mean that you won’t benefit from it by taking it off at night. Magnetic jewelry wearers usually choose a design that is comfortable to wear on a regular basis.   Tip # 3: Magnetic Jewelry and Sports   It is smart to wear magnetic jewelry that can be worn during sports. If you go play tennis or work out a lot you can wear your magnetic jewelry as much as you would like! However you should remove magnetic jewelry when swimming or immersing in water as jewelry made out of metals will tarnish. Magnetic jewelry made out of metals like titanium or zinc are least likely to tarnish in the pool.   Tip # 4 Wearing Multiple Magnets   Combining several pieces of magnetic jewelry looks great and can give you additional health benefits. Many people choose to wear a magnetic bracelet on each wrist and also sometime on their ankles. This could be a good practice during specific times like when you are suffering from muscle pains or cramps. Stacking different magnet style bracelets together are very attractive too and sure to make a fashion statement.   Hope you found these tips helpful! Happy June and please check out our magnet bracelets at www.beksandesigns.com or contact Meyla meyla@beksandesigns.com or Nevra nevra@beksandesigns.com for a personal shopping experience!   Adapted from: http://www.magneticbracelets.com/how-should-i-wear-my-magnetic-jewelry-for-the-best-results.html

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